Chrome Spray 150ml

Chrome Spray 150ml

30,26 €
sis. 25.5 % ALV
Akryylipohjainen Kromi spraymaali. Muoveille (ei vaahtomuoville), polykarbonaatille, puulle, metalleille, sekä keramiikkapinnoille.

Give your model the perfect finishing touch with Revell Chrome Spray. Easy-to-apply Chrome Spray lets you enhance all your model's chrome parts with a high-quality sheen – for an even more realistic and detailed look. Revell Chrome Spray is a must for advanced model building hobbyists who set high standards for their finished models. The chrome finish effects are truly impressive.

  • Completely new chrome lacquer, which looks for its equal
  • High End quality, with which each model a completely special finish gets
  • Easy to use, by applying directly from the spray head
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