4,00 €
sis. 25.5 % ALV
Vesiohenteinen guassiväri säistämiseen ja varjostuksiin
Saatavuus 2 kpl

The color black is suitable for shop creating smoke stains, darkening grays, or any type of mix.


AK gouache paints are a combination of opaque pigments mixed with a water-based binder. They create vibrant, saturated colors that are great for making matt opaque layers. AK gouache paints can be applied over conventional acrylics, enamels, and oil paints along with plastic, paper, cardboard, and other types of media. These properties make AK gouache paints perfect for the application of matt rust, earth, and other weathering tones.

They can easily be diluted using tap water to create different weathering effects. The biggest advantage to AK gouache paints is that, once dry, they can be reactivated as much as needed using tap water for further blending. These acrylic paints dry quickly. Prior to applying AK gouache paints simply clean the surface to be painted using soap and water.


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